Auction sale of Antiques, Consumer durables, Home appliances, Office equipments, Residential / Office furniture, Paintings, Bronzes, Crockery, Cutlery, Collectables & Curiosities. Regular weekly auctions conducted on Sundays at 10:30a.m. Periodic special auctions, normally once in three months, on Saturdays at 4:30p.m. Pre auction sales from Monday to Thursday & Saturday.
+91(44) 2821-2437, +91 (44) 2821-0881
Sale by auctions & tenders, of Plant & Machinery, Vehicles, Process & Maintenance Scrap, Unused Spares & Stock, Unclaimed Air & Surface transport cargo for Commercial enterprises, Industrial establishments, Public sector departments & Private sector companies, Sales conducted at the premises of the principals.
+91(44) 2499-5208, +91(44)2499-5219
Auction sale of Land & Buildings, Movable assets like Jewellery, Machines, Vehicles, and Office equipments, for recovery of dues. Sales conducted at the premises of the principals or at the site.
+91(44) 2499-0612, +91 (44) 2499-5212
Portal for sale of Industrial machinery, plants, process scrap, NPAs, office equipment, furniture, land & buildings etc through online Auctions and Tenders. The portal has been designed to replicate the physical process as closely as possible and ensure complete transparency. The process is simplified and users have utmost flexibility.